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I am 18, can I apply for a membership?No. Members MUST be 21 years old.
Is there a dress code?That depends on the event. You should dress to impress or in theme. Comfortable, casual, dress shorts, nude are all fine for most events. Dressing like a bum or in gym attire or a wife beater may get you exclude from an event.
I am new to this, do I have to participate?Nobody is required to participate in anything they don't feel comfortable with.
Will there be alcohol?That depends on the venue.
How many profiles can I (we) make?Two - One couples and one single.
How often can a profile be changed, i.e. changing out a partner on a couples profile?Once every 6 months
Can I purchase a ticket for someone else to use?No. A profile can only purchase 1 ticket per event and it can only be redeemed by that profile.
We bought a couples ticket and one of us can't go. Can I find someone else to go with me?No. That ticket is specific to the members of that profile.
We purchased a couples ticket but one of us can't go. Can one of us use the ticket?The female can, the male cannot.
I (we) just met someone and we want to bring them to tonight's event with us. What's the process for that?They have to be a member and buy their own ticket. Doing so at the last minute might be difficult.
I'm a single male member and I want to attend an event with a single female member. Can we get a couples ticket?No. You will each purchase your own singles ticket.
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